Our Fight

Anthony and Ashley are dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. The fight began when they were teenagers. They had learned their aunt was diagnosed and was to undergo treatment. The two spent years hoping and praying she would recover and not be diagnosed a second time. This wasn’t the first family member that was diagnosed with breast cancer, but the first one they could fight for. It was also extremally critical that there was extra support for her beyond the norm as she has a permanent disability. She was born blind. They decided to help however they could as she can’t do as much for herself as anyone else could. So began the journey in the fight against breast cancer. Fortunately she is strong. She has been clean of cancer and goes on every day fighting to be healthy. Unfortunately their grandmother was not as lucky. She had passed long before they were born from breast cancer. Learning this history and living through the overwhelming emotions of their aunt’s situation, they decided something had to be done. Every year they walk for Making Strides. A branch of the American Cancer Society that is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. They collect donations and dress in all the pink they can find. Over the years they have collected other members of the family and other staff members to walk along side them. They stand as strong support in the fight on their team Life Changers.

Top: (Owner of A & A) Ashley, (Step Daughter) Alexandra, (Husband) Daniel, and (Owner of A & A) Anthony
Bottom: (Owner’s Mother) Tabatha, (Owner’s Father) Scott, (Aunt/Survivor) Camille, (A & A Receptionist) Patrisha, (A & A’s Field Operator) Charles

Where you can view the walk team Life Changers is going to take for the year, how much they’re received in donations, who donated to their cause, and even make your own donations or tributes.