“What containers do you provide?”

— At the moment a single 20 yard dump truck. Our truck can typically haul up to 60 yards in a day which is determined by location of the dumping stations vs the location of the property as well as the job size.

“How do you determine price?”

— Demolition and hauling are separate fees. Hauling price is determined by the truckload, Ex: full truck load, half truck load, etc. Demolition prices are determined based on the job including size of the room, what is being removed, how long it will take, etc.

“What materials do you take?”

— We can take any dry, non hazardous materials such as sheetrock and wood, but do keep in mind that we also recycle and scrap materials. Cement and shingles are recyclables and things such as wires and copper piping is scrap-able.

“Where are you based out of?”

— We are based out of Middlesex County, NJ.

“When can you schedule my job?”

— Call soon, it is first come first serve so we will place you on the very next available day unless you need a specific date for the job to be started, then we are happy to schedule up to a month in advance.

“How fast can you demo?”

— The length of time the job will take will be determined by the job itself. We will discuss all the details like this at the estimate.

“What types of demolition work do we do?”

— We can demo all sorts of rooms like kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, etc. inside. Outside we can demo decks, cement patios, sheds, etc. and if your job might be a little outside the norm an estimate with us can determine if we have the tools and the team to get your job done or can recommend one of our affiliate teams for the job.